Rules encourage compliance. Jesus set us free from rules by the Grace of God. As such we convert to God's love, not comply out of compulsion.
In all the chatter online about the different plans the UMC is looking at to be in ministry with the LGBTQ community, it seems there is a gap in the conversation. Specifically, what do we desire - conversions or compliance. It seems to me that there is only one plan that puts conversion at the center, while other plane put compliance at the center. Let me try to explain.
Imagine you are a person who believes that LGBTQ marriage/ordination is God's desire. The UMC can pass a plan that requires everyone to comply with the rule or get out of the church. Likewise, imagine you are a person who believes that LGBTQ marriage/ordination is not what God desires. The UMC can pass legislation (such as the Traditionalist plan) that requires everyone to comply with the rules or get out of the church.
Compliance is not what the love of God is about. The Love of God is all about conversion. Christ is in the conversion ministry and the Church continues in that effort. That is what disciple making is about - converting hearts to return to God in Christ.
So if you believe that your position on LGBTQ marriage/ordination is correct, then how would you convert those who do not hold your position? You remain in connection with them, showing them your way of life and continue to pray that the Spirit will convert hearts. You don't kick them out of the church because the hope for conversion of hearts is greatly diminished.
The One Church Plan is critical to the mission because it is the only plan that keeps conversion at the center. If we really believe that we know what is right/just/God's will then we would be compelled to be in relationship with those who disagree with us so that God may use us to convert hearts.
If you are a Traditionalist or a Progressive, consider what your end game is. Do you want compliance or are you sold out in love with Jesus Christ to work with the Holy Spirit to be conduit of the conversion of hearts? For this reason, I am in support of the One Church plan because I believe that the world is better off with more conversions to Jesus.
If you too believe in the conversions to Christ over compliance to rules then tell your church leadership about how the One Church Plan is the plan given to us as a gift from God to convert people to the love of Christ.