John 20 and Ezekiel

When you read John 20:19-23 there are a couple of Old Testament stories that come to mind. The previous post looked at the Cain and Abel story. This post will look at how the John text seems to parallel Ezekiel 37.

Notice that Ezekiel is brought into a valley that is full of fear and death - much like the place where the disciples are. Notice that the bones and the disciples feel cut off and abandoned. Notice that it is a breath that brings the bones and disciples to new life. Notice that it is God that is the primary mover.

Could it be that the Gospel writer is finding meaning in the resurrection of Christ that is not just a "new" thing but something that is of the nature of God. New life and resurrection is what God does.

Death does not have the final word. Fear is banished. There is a restoration that will happen and you/I/we will not be left in a valley.

The breath of God animates and brings something both to dry bones and fearful disciples.

And so - receive the Breath and live.